[DML] Digest Number 191
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[DML] Digest Number 191

Title: [DML] Digest Number 191

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There are 13 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. Pristine DeLorean-Your Thoughts
           From: dga7782@xxxxxxx
      2. Re: Red Coolant
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
      3. Re: Re: Delorean Overheating (almost)
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
      4. Relay Updates
           From: Jim Reeve <ultra@xxxxxxx>
      5. Used Fuel Pump
           From: Jim Reeve <ultra@xxxxxxx>
      6. Re: new delorean
           From: "Rob Hook" <robhook@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      7. Re: Why I didn't make it to Cleveland RE: striping DMC-then rebrushing or painting
           From: "Dusty Hurliman" <dustinh2000@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      8. Hard to start...Please help!
           From: "Stian Birkeland" <dmc_norway@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      9. Temp Gauge/Engine Temperature/Zillas
           From: "Stian Birkeland" <dmc_norway@xxxxxxxxxxx>
     10. Restoration pics now online!
           From: njp548@xxxxxxx
     11. Re: Re: Dentless at last.
           From: billschaferabn@xxxxxxx
     12. Re: Pristine DeLorean-Your Thoughts
           From: "Gabe W." <thecreech@xxxxxxxx>
     13. Fraternity Vacation
           From: jfjr@xxxxxxxxxxx


Message: 1
   Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 23:28:14 EDT
   From: dga7782@xxxxxxx
Subject: Pristine DeLorean-Your Thoughts


I would like a collective response from all the experts about a DeLorean I've
come across that is going to be up for sale soon.  It is an '81 with hood
lines and no gas flap.  Grey interior, manual transmission.  The car has been
kept in a heated garage since it was purchased new.  The owner has put 4,000
miles on it, and when it wasn't being used, he left it up on blocks.  The
interior is Perfect.  Not a single blemish or sign of age.  The engine is
perfect.  It is pristine clean.  Did not get a chance to look at the frame,
but have to assume it is in the same condition as the rest of the car. 

This car has been untouched exept for routine maintenance.  EVERYTHING is
ORIGINAL including the tires.  Not one modification.  The power windows do
not work and I would assume, it being almost 20, that there are snafus that
will appear yet.  The issue of gas line vapor damage has come to mind.

The owner is a car collector who took care of all his cars.  He simply wants
to unload the DeLorean so that he can buy a new BMW.  He doesn't want to sit
on it and is considering a price that would make all of you salivate.  

What I would like from you guys (and gals) is your educated thoughts about
what exactly to look for, what price this pristine car SHOULD go for in the
market, and any other experienced advice you can give me.  It's not up for
sale yet, but negotiations are in the works.  It is a Michigan car only
driven in beautiful weather. 

Thanks.  I look forward to your thoughts!



Message: 2
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 00:07:12 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Red Coolant

The fan circut breakers are in the compartment behind the passenger. Remove
the board covering the relay's and you will see two circut breakers side by
side up against the back of the front wall. The one on the right is for the
fans. You will see the brown/orange wire and a black/orange  wire coming out
of it. If your fans are clicking on and off the feel the breaker. It might be
overheating and acting like a relay by opening and closing. Also look for any
wires that look like they may have over heated. If you need a circut breaker,
I sell them for $4.50.


Message: 3
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 00:33:25 EDT
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Delorean Overheating (almost)

If you want some surface mount thermostats that don't depend on the water to
turn the fans on and off,  I have 170 degree +/- 5 degree in stock and have
some 180 coming. $8.95 ea. Great for the survival kit. No tolls required to
put on.I have run them for a while. I like the 180 better. Great for a jam or
to run all the time.


Message: 4
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 00:38:41 -0500
   From: Jim Reeve <ultra@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Relay Updates

As I slowly work my way through a full inspection of my car, this
question comes to mind.  I have mostly all original relays.  I know
there is an update kit for them, but I was wondering how important it
really is.  Do the original relays pose a fire hazard?  Since I already
have the fan fail bypass, I was thinking of just ordering the 40 amp
circuit breaker for the cooling fans.  Is this a good idea to leave the
relays alone or not?  Right now I'm trying to figure out a logical order
to do my purchases and would appreciate any input that anybody may
have.  Thanks.
Jim Reeve <Ultra>
'81 DeLorean-#6960


Message: 5
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 00:43:53 -0500
   From: Jim Reeve <ultra@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Used Fuel Pump

Heh, me again.  While traveling to Cleveland, the car I was riding in
was unfortunate enough to have it's fuel pump spontaneously fail on us.
Fortunately, someone in our group had a spare we could put in.  I also
know a lot of people have "survival kits" which include fuel pumps.
Well since my funds are tight right now, I was wondering if anyone had a
used fuel pump they replaced from their car, as long as it worked when
they removed it.  All I would need is something to allow me to get home
until I can order a new unit.  I remember someone had one a while ago,
but I dont know if that sold.  Anyway, if anyone has an old pump, please
email me (ultra'at'isd.net).  Thanks again.
Jim Reeve <Ultra>
'81 DeLorean-#6960


Message: 6
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 04:04:13 -0700
   From: "Rob Hook" <robhook@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: new delorean


If you're referring to the person who said he was hired to do some welding
on the frame, I think everyone pretty much decided that that was a hoax.
For a venture like the DMC2 there would be a non-disclosure agreement the
size of Texas for anyone who even got close to the project.  Even if the guy
was telling the truth, don't expect him to respond as he probably had to
sell his computer to pay the legal fees he got hit with for violating the

Speaking of non-disclosures and ventures, does anyone know where to find
John DeLorean nowadays?  I'd spoken with him about investing in my new
computer venture but now that he's not at Lamington Road, I've lost track of
him.  Anyone?

--Rob Hook

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabe W. <thecreech@xxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2000 8:19 PM
Subject: [DML] new delorean

>I searched the archive and saw a message from someone who worked for the
delorean and worked on the prototype. Can you tell us more about it?
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at:
>To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:


Message: 7
   Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 21:06:00 -0700
   From: "Dusty Hurliman" <dustinh2000@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Why I didn't make it to Cleveland RE: striping DMC-then rebrushing or painting

Dan, why did you have to destroy that beautiful paint job?  I never was a
big fan of painted Deloreans, but your looked really good.  I would have
bought another car that was already stainless.  (If only I could afford
I hope it looks good now though.


p.s.  sorry this is so late but I am really behind on reading the posts.  My
mailbox has over 500 old messages.

----- Original Message -----
From: Danrc30 <Danrc30@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 9:39 PM
Subject: [DML] Why I didn't make it to Cleveland RE: striping DMC-then
rebrushing or painting

> Ok. I just did this to my car. So, here's my story.
> I was planning on attending the Cleveland show. So, in the prepping of my
car for the show, I wanted to repaint sections of the black portion of my
car. I was going to leave the gold part alone. (If you want to see what my
car looked like, go to Brian Henderlongs' site
http://home.tampabay.rr.com/deloreans/index.htm and click on the black
link.) So, I went and bought paint and shot it. Unfortunately, the store
failed to tell me that their paint will attack lacquer. So, it ruined my
paint job. Hence, no Cleveland. So, the stripping began. I removed all
panels except for the doors and stripped them. I broke just about every bolt
that I put a wrench on due to rust when removing the body pieces. I knew
then that I had my work cut out for me. Also, it was a major pain in the ass
to strip the panels I must add. The paint was from when the car was new at
the dealer, and I guess it grew accustomed to being there. It did not want
to come off. It took several days to strip all the panels. I had to drill
out every screw that held the rocker panels on so I could remove the
quarters and fenders. The stripper I used was from an auto parts store, and
came with a spay bottle. It was Captain Lee's Auto Spray Strip.
> Once I completed the stripping, I saw what I had... no hidden damage,
well, not dents or filler at least. What I had was a car covered with 80
grit sandscratches from a Dual Action (DA) sander. This destroyed the grain
on the car. It was a mess. So, what did I do? I attempted the impossible. I
started refinishing the body to have a grain again. It takes a full day of
work for each panel, and the hood took two days. The hood is very fragile by
the way, and I had to be very gentile with it. Anyway, what I ended up doing
was taking a 6" DA pad, and tig welding an adapter to fit it on a
grinder/polisher. I then started experimenting with different grits of
paper. The final process was to start with 220 grit. Then go to 320, and
then finish with 400 grit. It wasn't just going over it once either. I had
to sweep many times over the same area to get all the scratches out. Then,
once I had a nice smooth, shiny finish, I could begin to grain. That was
hard too because the tool doesn't want to stay in one place. It was
difficult knowing where to go too. But I did eventually figure it out and
got a nice grain.
> My advice? If you have all the time in the world, and an unbelievable
amount of patience, and you really want a stainless car... go for it!. If
not, don't attempt this. The amount of work I've been doing is unbelievable.
My back has been killing me, and I'm so tired of the work. Stripping is bad
enough... graining is a nightmare if you have the same scratches in your
stainless as I did. By the way, if anyone knows where I can get more
flappers like the ones that came from the factory, please e-mail me
directly. Thanks.
> I will tell you all that it is almost done now. The car is totally
different. I will post pics when it is completed.
> If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
> ---Dan Vin#5493 was Black and gold, now stainless after 19 years of being
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at:
> www.dmcnews.com/Admin/rules.html
> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx


Message: 8
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 08:14:55 GMT
   From: "Stian Birkeland" <dmc_norway@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Hard to start...Please help!

Hello Joe! First of all thanks for your advice regarding the fuel pump
installation. Everything works fine now.

I got my car back from the garage. It had a high idle, not the 750+/- it had
before, but a reading of 1000/1500. I discovered a loose wire (green and
black I think) on the top of the intake manifold. Checked the Parts Manual,
discovered an idle speed switch under the intake. Connected the
wire/connector to the top of the switch. Got a normal 750+/- idle speed
again. Since it is working now I guess I did the right thing.

However, Id be grateful if you can confirm or deny that what I did was the
right/wrong thing to do. Was it the correct fix or did I just do a quick non
lasting fix? Please tell me.

The garage changed the waterpump too. On the left side of the waterpump
there is a wire connector and switch. I noticed that the connector had two
points sticking out. One of them was broken. What does this switch do? Is it
dangerous to continue driving? I would say that one of the points are
connected, but the other point only has intermittent contact. What is the
function of this connector/switch. What does it do? Couldnt find anything in
the Parts Manual.

Finally, my last question. My DeLorean is very very slow to start these
days. I can keep cranking it for around 5-10 seconds before it starts. It
kind of sputters to begin with, then it runs fine. Sometimes I have to stop
cranking, and try again. Sometimes I have to crank it 3 or 4 times before it
starts. After I crank it and it doesnt start, I hear clicks coming from the
relay compartment (3 or 4 clicks) It is not the A/C. A/C is off. The battery
is fully loaded. New battery. Changed the sparkplugs last year, same with
airfilter. It is just as slow to start whether the engine is cold or warm...
It was not like this a few weeks back. What could be the cause? My garage
couldnt find the answer to this. I hope you can help.

By the way, I also installed a new catalytic converter and muffler. Could
there be anything around this area that the garage has loosened? Im thinking
of maybe a sensor or switch or something that may have something to do with
the starting of the engine? Its really strange, because eventually the car
will start, its just a matter of time. Its just very slow to get going. When
it does start it runs fine.

Best wishes
Stian Birkeland

VIN # 06759
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


Message: 9
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 09:41:51 GMT
   From: "Stian Birkeland" <dmc_norway@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Temp Gauge/Engine Temperature/Zillas

Hello all,

I had my DeLorean serviced and installed a new waterpump. At the same time a
small leak was discovered. The garage ran some kind of "radiator cleaner"
through the system, it works by cleaning the coolant lines and hoses, and at
the same time "seals" small leaks.

Wow! What a difference!

The engine is running very low on the temperature gauge after I did this

For those of you who can't remember the gauge: 260 - 220 - 100 F.

Previously my DeLorean had readings right below 220. After I had the car
serviced, the reading is constant right between 100-220. If I drive in slow
traffic now, the needle goes towards the 220 mark, but never reaches 220. In
fact the needle stays just above the "-" mark between 100 and 220. Yesterday
I was in a jam for about 15-20 min with no problems!

By the way, FanZilla is also a good investment. If your DeLorean starts
getting a higher temperature when in a traffic jam, just turn on the A/C.
The cooling fans will come on thanks to FanZilla. The fans come on
sequentially, and not at the same time.

FanZilla has two advantages: You do not get the voltage drop as you did
earlier + that you can turn on the A/C to get the engine temperature down
whenever you feel for it!

Why wait for the fans to come on at around 220?

Also, I just installed TankZilla. The "low fuel" light is not blinking
intermittent anymore. Now when it lights up then I really know for sure that
I must find a gas station. The Fuel Gauge works as it should, and you get a
new impression of our beloved DeLorean...You can drive many many miles
before having to re-fuel ;)

Best wishes
Stian Birkeland

VIN # 06759
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com


Message: 10
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 05:58:14 EDT
   From: njp548@xxxxxxx
Subject: Restoration pics now online!

Hey List,

       The time everyone's been waiting for...ok...not really everyone...but
after the response I got from everyone who saw my pictures at the Cleveland
car show, I am sure everyone else would like to take 5 minutes out of their
busy schedule and check out the pictures I uploaded to my web page.  As I
noted on the web page, I still have more pictures to upload, so check back in
a week and I should have the rest online, plus I will try and organize the
pictures better so that they are in order of separation.  I pretty much just
put them up there just for the sake of them being online.  Please drop me an
e-mail to tell me what you think of them all.  Thanks!

web address:



Message: 11
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 16:20:49 EDT
   From: billschaferabn@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Dentless at last.

Hi All,

   I wanted to share a good Delorean experience today. After 8 months of
ownership I finally have 11096 dentless at last. When I purchased it there
were a total of 5 minor dents and dings. One was golf ball sized ding on the
passenger side rear 6" down from the marker light and right next to the rear
facia/bumper. The rest were 2 -3" creases on all the pannels but the hard to
find front driver side.
Three months ago I had a dentless, paintless body guy do four of the five for
$125.00. He did a fantastic job on all four of them. If I didn't show your
were they were you couldn't find them on your own.
The last one I had done this week. It cost $120.00 and the body shop did a
great job on that as well. It is 95-98% near perfect. Considering the ding
was on the crease line I was amazed it was able to be done. I made sure the
body shop knew "No heat at all" and they were able to hammer the last ding
out. So for a total of $240.00 I have a near perfect stainless steel body
again. It really looks good.

Bill (11096)


Message: 12
   Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 13:31:20 -0700
   From: "Gabe W." <thecreech@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Pristine DeLorean-Your Thoughts

I would say about 20-25k

----- Original Message -----
From: <dga7782@xxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 8:28 PM
Subject: [DML] Pristine DeLorean-Your Thoughts

> Hello:
> I would like a collective response from all the experts about a DeLorean
> come across that is going to be up for sale soon.  It is an '81 with hood
> lines and no gas flap.  Grey interior, manual transmission.  The car has
> kept in a heated garage since it was purchased new.  The owner has put
> miles on it, and when it wasn't being used, he left it up on blocks.  The
> interior is Perfect.  Not a single blemish or sign of age.  The engine is
> perfect.  It is pristine clean.  Did not get a chance to look at the
> but have to assume it is in the same condition as the rest of the car.
> This car has been untouched exept for routine maintenance.  EVERYTHING is
> ORIGINAL including the tires.  Not one modification.  The power windows do
> not work and I would assume, it being almost 20, that there are snafus
> will appear yet.  The issue of gas line vapor damage has come to mind.
> The owner is a car collector who took care of all his cars.  He simply
> to unload the DeLorean so that he can buy a new BMW.  He doesn't want to
> on it and is considering a price that would make all of you salivate.
> What I would like from you guys (and gals) is your educated thoughts about
> what exactly to look for, what price this pristine car SHOULD go for in
> market, and any other experienced advice you can give me.  It's not up for
> sale yet, but negotiations are in the works.  It is a Michigan car only
> driven in beautiful weather.
> Thanks.  I look forward to your thoughts!
> Kevin
> Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at:
> www.dmcnews.com/Admin/rules.html
> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx


Message: 13
   Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 01:35:09 -0000
   From: jfjr@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Fraternity Vacation

If anyone has seen the movie Fraternity Vacation, it was on Comedy
Central a while ago, there's a Delorean towards the middle of the
In one seen, the main characters are driving down the street to this
girl's house.  As they turn into the driveway there is a Delorean
right behind them.  Two scenes later it's gone though.

I just thought that would be interesting to look for.

- James


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