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There are 15 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Fanzilla
From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
2. The Fan Fix
From: "John Hervey" <dherv10@xxxxxxx>
3. Re: Questions on Zilla's
From: aabclafon@xxxxxxx
4. xtra-wide Sport stripes
From: nskalsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
5. Re: Warm-up circuit
From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
From: Mike Substelny <msubstel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
7. 82' hood repair
From: "Erik Geerdink" <delorean502@xxxxxxxxxx>
8. SuperCar Sunday
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
9. Re: no start problem
From: "John Hervey" <dherv10@xxxxxxx>
10. RE: Presenting Americas Most talked about Car...DeLorean
From: "Jack Singer" <jsinger@xxxxxxx>
11. Re: xtra-wide Sport stripes
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
12. Re: Questions on Zilla's
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
13. Re: Headlight bracket assembly still needed...
From: Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxxxxxxx>
14. Re: xtra-wide Sport stripes
From: "Steve Pattison" <stevep1@xxxxxxxx>
15. Help!!! (Insurance)
From: "2Lt Nathan E. Green" <gzen21@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 23:50:08 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Fanzilla
You have discovered the number one cause of burnt out door lock solenoids.
Go to this link
for a complete explanation of the problem that you just experienced.
"We're here to help you"
DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxxxxx>
Web Site: <>
----- Original Message -----
From: J Rowe <rowejj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2000 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [DML] Fanzilla
> o.k., I checked the relay with the blue socket and it has a
> relay plugged into it. It is actually a tad smaller than the one next to
> I've tried Brandons idea of turning the key on and then turning the a/c
> on and my fans didn't come on then either. What next?
> I also had something else strange happen yesterday. After I
> my car off I kept hearing a clicking sound like something trying to turn
> on and off about every 20 seconds. When that was happening, my power
> antenna wouldn't go up or down like it should. It just went up and down
> in slow increments when this "clicking" would happen. I checked inside the
> electrical compartment and found that the red wire that comes out of the
> black box behind all the relays and plugs into that thing behind that that
> 4 prongs for wires to connect to was pretty hot. I disconnected the red
> (with the black clip) and my antenna started working fine and the clicking
> stopped. The problem is that I now have a wire that I don't know what it
> that isn't connected to anything like it should be. Anyone know what this
> for?
> please forgive my lack of terminology.
> Thanks in advance..................Jason
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 03:36:59 -0000
From: "John Hervey" <dherv10@xxxxxxx>
Subject: The Fan Fix
Look at the new listing on DML for the new: The Fan Fix, It's a new
solid state relay. Goto and go to buy and sell
parts.I will be working on a web site to view parts in the future.
Thanks John
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 23:14:34 EDT
From: aabclafon@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Questions on Zilla's
I do not believe my D has any of the Zilla's. I am not a car expert. How
difficult are they to install? What am I to pay for all the Zilla's? Do I
need all the Zilla's?
Dave L.
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 14:20:50 -0000
From: nskalsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: xtra-wide Sport stripes
First of all I'd like to thank everyone for all thier reply's,
your knownledge and experience have been Invaluable to me. I was
wondering if the dealer installed wide stripes are removeable? how
were they installed? holes in the stainless panels? I think its a
unique look but I prefer the thin stripes. This is in reference to a
delorean I'm currently looking at. Thanks in advance!!
- Nate Skalsky, MI D-prospector
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 00:05:23 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Warm-up circuit
You either have a problem in your acceleration enrichment circuit or you
DeLorean needs a CO mix adjustment.
To test your fuel enrichment circuit do the following:
Start the engine and allow it to reach operating temperature. Access the
engine compartment push the flap on the full throttle microswitch (parts
manual 2/3/0 #15).
"We're here to help you"
DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxxxxx>
Web Site: <>
----- Original Message -----
From: DOUG T VENNER <dmc12@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2000 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [DML] Warm-up circuit
> My D idles smooth as silk on cold start, but after 5-10min. of warm-up it
> starts to surge up and down at idle. It does this all the time and have
> to find the problem. The car also hestitaes on accel but "kicks" in at
> 2500 rpm(Kinda like a turbo kicks in, no I don't have a turbo! LOL), any
> suggestions???
> Doug Venner
> 83 D #16680
> >When my D is warming up from a cold start, The engine idles up and down
> > >like someone is playing with the gas paddle.
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> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 14:35:44 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <msubstel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DOOR GUIDES
Hank Breer said:
> Service Action SA-0005 states that there were 2 door latch
> guide kits: W300003 for cars up to VIN 1100 and W300004
> for cars after. (My car, VIN 1141 needed the W300004 kit to
> add the guides that were NOT installed by the factory)
> The SA implies (but does not specifically state) that cars
> up to VIN 3000 are affected.
Good advice, but it might even be more complicated than that. My VIN 01280 also
had no door guides when I acquired it. Jerry Rine, then technical expert at the
Kapac warehouse, told me that my car was made in a transitional time, when it was
difficult to tell which door guide I needed by referencing the VIN. Jerry took
an educated guess for my car based on the VIN, but he guessed wrong.
Apparently the door design changed slightly somewhere around the time that VIN
1100 was made. Based on my discussion with Jerry, I assume that for a brief
period new and old style doors were both moving down the assembly line at the
same time.
I can verify that the older door guides will fit on the newer door design, but
not very well.
I can also verify that I have seen early cars (pre 1100 VIN) which were equipped
with fewer than 4 door guides. Perhaps there was some experimentation, or maybe
the guides were available individually instead of as kits, and some
owners/dealers tried to save some money.
There are still a few early cars out there that could benefit from door guides.
If you have one, I suggest that you seek out another DeLorean owner who is
willing to temporarily unscrew a door guide so you can hold it up to your door
and see if it would fit. Make a note of how well it fit, then jot down the code
number on the back of that guide before calling your favorite DeLorean parts
- Mike Substelny
Message: 7
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 20:28:39 -0000
From: "Erik Geerdink" <delorean502@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: 82' hood repair
Are hood repairable? The hood I'm talking about wasn't wrinkled at
all, it just kind of warped. I thought I heard that hoods are not
repairable, but I wanted to make sure. It doesn't have the grooves,
its just flat.
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 22:12:28 +0100
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: SuperCar Sunday
Dear All,
Well done to Chris Parnham. We had a total of 19 cars at SuperCar
Sunday, and I think it's fair to say we stole the show :-)
Pictures on the website, follow the News link,
Best Wishes,
Message: 9
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 03:15:41 -0000
From: "John Hervey" <dherv10@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: no start problem
Cecil, If the starter turnes over properly, Your not experiencing a
low voltage problem but maybe a relay contact sticking problem. When
you connect the jumper cables, your surging the electrical system and
releasing the relay. You might also try the main relay ( Tap on it )
when the problem starts over again, this feeds the ignition resistors
and coil. If you don't know which is which, i can fax the info.
Several of the relays are interchangable and the car will start and
run without several of them. Example: You can take out the low, and
high beem relay's and swap with others in a pinch. You just need to
know which ones.
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "dmc1982" <dmc1982@xxxx> wrote:
> This is a strange one. My DeLorean has failed to start twice now
with the
> following symptoms. It cranks over apparently normally. Battery
level seems
> fine. Fails to fire up. I can crank it for several minutes but
still no
> luck. However if I run jumper cables from another car it fires up
> away. It did this when I got in the car to leave for Cleveland and
> also. Ran GREAT on the Cleveland trip. Starts up after the initial
> All ideas appreciated. Is there a circuit that is affected by a low
> Cecil Longwisch
> #10663
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 11:08:08 -0400
From: "Jack Singer" <jsinger@xxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Presenting Americas Most talked about Car...DeLorean
Mike, please contact me offline regarding what you are looking for and
the Sept. 23 & 24 British car show.
jsinger@xxxxxxx <mailto:jsinger@xxxxxxx>
-----Original Message-----
From: senatorpack@xxxxxx
Sent: Fri 7/14/2000 11:12 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Presenting Americas Most talked about
Dear DML,
If anyone knows what this is, and has one or two or three that
they want to
sell, please email me.
In addition, would Michael Babb please contact me. I need to
talk to you
about the box and posters.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 11
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 18:58:00 -0400
From: "Hank Eskin" <heskin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: xtra-wide Sport stripes
They are just vinyl strips glued on to the stainless - no holes. I'm not
sure how removable they are, but I suppose any good solvent can remove the
stripes (which won't be re-attachable). They are also no longer available,
if you change your mind and want them back. My D has them, which I didn't
like at first (and also thought about removing them), but then they grew on
me, and now I consider them to make my Delorean that much more unique than
all those other "naked" deloreans.
Message: 12
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 20:05:48 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Questions on Zilla's
They are easy to install, and come with good instructions. If you still
have a problem, Rob will talk you through it over the phone.
aabclafon@xxxxxxx wrote:
> I do not believe my D has any of the Zilla's. I am not a car expert. How
> difficult are they to install? What am I to pay for all the Zilla's? Do I
> need all the Zilla's?
Message: 13
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 20:16:49 -0500
From: Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Headlight bracket assembly still needed...
Sorry Dan,
I just been real busy.
You said you have 1/2 of the brackets. Which one.
Danrc30 wrote:
> I still need a used headlight bracket assembly. This is a fabrication experiment and I don't want to hack up a new one. I need the bracket, the bezels that the lights sit in, and if possible, the retaining rings as well. They don't need to be in great condition since they're gonna be cut and welded anyway. If anyone has one they could spare, please e-mail me privately at Danrc30(at) One person from this list was kind enough to donate the passenger side, but I would be willing to pay for the drivers side if needed. Thank you very much.
> ---Dan
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at:
> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx
Message: 14
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 18:01:41 -0700
From: "Steve Pattison" <stevep1@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: xtra-wide Sport stripes
I just installed the stripes on my car. The are a "3M" product that sticks
to the stainless - like a decal but the material is thicker.
Steve Pattison
Vin 2528
San Diego
----- Original Message -----
From: <nskalsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 7:20 AM
Subject: [DML] xtra-wide Sport stripes
First of all I'd like to thank everyone for all thier reply's,
your knownledge and experience have been Invaluable to me. I was
wondering if the dealer installed wide stripes are removeable? how
were they installed? holes in the stainless panels? I think its a
unique look but I prefer the thin stripes. This is in reference to a
delorean I'm currently looking at. Thanks in advance!!
- Nate Skalsky, MI D-prospector
Message: 15
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 19:24:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: "2Lt Nathan E. Green" <gzen21@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Help!!! (Insurance)
Hi folks,
I am new to this list and get right to the point. I am buying a 1982
Delorean on Friday. I am flying from St Louis to PA to pick it up. This is
my dream car...but I have a problem and I need your help.
In order to get the loan money, I need comprehensive insurance. I cannot
find any. I have tried two companies and they turned me down(for comp
coverage) b/c it is a Delorean(Rare and old).
PLEASE send me some info direct to gzen21@xxxxxxxxxxx I need to get
insurance like tomorrow so I can get the check and get the car. I'm a little
on edge now b/c I might see "the dream" slip away. Please let me know what
company you folks use. Thanks so much.
P.S.--I will post more about myself and the journey later...Right now just
trying to get things set up. Please help. Thanks.
Nathan E. Green,2Lt,USAF
15OWS Lead Forecaster
Scott AFB, IL
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