[DMCForum] Re: What's up with Death?
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[DMCForum] Re: What's up with Death?

It's starting to look like that dosn't it. Thr first one was a buddy
of mine was killed when he wraped his Ford Ranger around a tree,
literally, after running over a big highway sign. The secound one was
a close aquantence that was one of my cadets in my JROTC class, he
comitted suicide with a shotgun. The last one happend Monday, a
sophmore was walking home along the railroad tracks from fishing and
beat the train across the crossing and obviously lost. All the police
found of the latter was his fishing pole and the five gallon bucket,
you can imagine a train gong 56mph coming in contact with a teenager,
there's nothing left of the kid. This year looks very close to what I
hear of 1980. something like 3/4 of one generation of my family died
all in the same year.

Time for some good news!!! From what it looks like I will be going to
state for SkillsUSA!!! That is a program for students in trade
classes. Like my auto tech class, shop, or cosmitology. I placed
fifth in my school out of 16. Not bad. Not as good as I had hoped
but, not bad. It's funny, I've learned more about cars from the
DeLorean sitting in my driveway then auto tech, or my VW. I need to
explain my VW. 1966, terrible restoration on it, everytime I went
somwhere I had to adjust the carborator. I was driving home from work
and the gas pedal fell off. I had to drive with all fours. Braking
with my left foot, pulling the accelerator cable thingy with my right
hand and shifting with it, steering with my left hand. And no one
would come help a guy out. Good thing my emergency mecahnic drove by.
I say he was my emergency mechanic because the motor and tranny had
to be rebuilt within three months of me buying the darn thing. It
only had 7Kmiles on it.

I talk too much :)


Josh--- In DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Marc Levy <malevy_nj@xxxx> wrote:
> THREE CLASSMATES??  You have some kind of plauge in
> your town?
> --- Josh Porter <joshp1986@xxxx> wrote:
> <SINP>
> > I'm not working on it as much as I like. Within
> > March and April there
> > have been two family deaths, one hero (Mr.
> > DeLorean), three
> > classmates, and one teacher. I'm not looking for
> > sympathy I'm just
> > stating why I have not spent ALL my time on the car.
> > Hopefully people
> > around my area will stop dieing and I can tunnel
> > vision on the car.
> >
> > Josh
> > 10989
> >
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