[DMCForum] Re: unmoderated user --- IN GOD WE TRUST
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[DMCForum] Re: unmoderated user --- IN GOD WE TRUST
- From: Shannon Yocom <ssdelorean@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 08:41:21 -0800 (PST)
The term "separation of church and state" is NOT in there. That term is a
political interpretation to twist the original intentions of the document. If
repeated enough they hope it to become truth. America was created by people who
left England because they were being told by the government what their religion
should be & how to worship. The whole point of what the mis-interpreted part of
"seperation of church and state" is that the US Government can NOT form an
established religion.
Our coins reflect the belief of our "founding fathers" who were refering to God
as Jesus's Dad, but that "God" shouldn't hinder anyone else's views on what god
they choose to worship because of our freedoms to worship whatever god you want.
And to atheists, agnostics, etc. ... like it or not this country was founded by
Christians but they were nice enough to include them too. You are free to worship
or NOT worship whomever or whatever.
I know Claude's ramble'ns may have your blood boil'n so please don't take this as
an attack on you. My tone is purely technical. If I have any rage or animosity it
is directed towards the commies who are trying to take our rights away, people
who think they have a right to a big screen TV, idiot drivers who don't use their
blinker & drive slow in the overtaking lane. Oh yeah an Micro$oft.
If we lived in Macamerica would we have to worship Steve Jobs or Woz? And is OSX
a 1/2 breed now that Unix is at the core? Almost like Windoz on Dos but not quite
Shannon Y
Message: 13
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 19:11:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Marc Levy < malevy_nj@xxxxxxxxx >
Subject: Re: unmoderated user
In reality, this IS a violation of the first
ammendment (the seperation of church and state part)..
It is an endorcement by the government of God.
--- DMCVIN6683 < dmcvin6683@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:
> This world is really starting to SUCK. Pretty soon
> some person will
> bitch because it says "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our paper
> money and some
> Atheist will get it removed. It is bad enough that
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