[DMCForum] Re: Found out why my heater doesn't work
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[DMCForum] Re: Found out why my heater doesn't work

I had this exact same problem.  It's just sediment build-up that can
be from either hard water or anti-freeze that never gets changed out.

When I first bought my DeLorean, my heater didn't work at all and
when I removed the heater hoses, it was real easy to figure out why
it wasn't.  The coolant in my car was a dark green and the coolant in
the heater core looked brand new.  I guess that's what happens when
there's no curculation.


> The metal lines were completely clogged. The buildup of crud (hard
> stuff, like barnacles on a boat) was like a solid cap on both ends
> both lines. I loosened the gunk with a wire and blew the lines out
> with my air compressor. What was this stuff?

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