Ah, Marc has managed to hit upon one of my favorite issues to talk about.
A huge part of being a Christian is about faith. If you remember (or
read), Jesus once told his disciples that they would have to trust and
believe as a small child does to get into the kingdom of heaven.
This does make some sense, as if you can't follow God without wavering
and questioning, you're not convinced yet.
Thus, if God were to do things like force large numbers of people to
see a message saying that He's there, it would defeat the purpose, as
no faith is required to believe plain facts thrust in front of your face.
This also explains why God allows terrible things like death and rape
and everything else: If He interfered, it would basically defeat the
purpose of Him being there.
This is why I think one never hears about modern-day miracles: They
happen but there are hardly any people there to see them, and those
are usually Christians or will become Christians later.
God does not have to prove Himself to you.
This is my take on stuff, I'm not a real theologian so sometimes I
probably stray off the mark, but this makes the most sense to me.
-Adam Stadnick
No Pigeon Forge this year
No VIN, yet (hoping for 3416)