Re: [DMCForum] DMC-12-A
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Re: [DMCForum] DMC-12-A
- From: "Avi Sarfaraz" <asarfaraz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:00:15 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Farrar Hudkins
To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: [DMCForum] DMC-12-A
You'll need a secretary.
Avi Sarfaraz wrote:
> I can do it, But I was looking to see if any partners would like to join the Idea...Im 15, and technically I can't physically do anything loan/money generating I wanted to start a apartment complex business so I could have 5-7k comming in as profit each month supplemented by my own jobs...I could bankroll the venture as a gift to the DMC community..If I can't build the Updated DMC,thats okay, Its just one of my many concept Ideas.
> I need a partner to help me get a loan for my apt complex....which leads to money...which leads to everything else.
> When Im 18 me and my RUSSIAN sized army will do it if I still have the interest.
> Im investing Mr. Wiegart's Vector Supercars and Aquajet corporation the second it goes public. I suppose that If I will be critisized on a project, even by friends..that I was looking into constructing...well it seems theres no public demand for it...its kind of like the SR-V8..a Bastard Child.
> I'll have a part of an independant make, the new prototype car will be ready in 5-6 I guess I'll just pass up the DMC-12A to see where the new vector is going.
> how can I think of this? I think theres plenty of fucked up DMCs around that will never get a proper restoration of anysort.....I intended to do some good, with the crap of the crop.
> If you people knew me is that I don't surrender and I always regroup after any loss and go at it again with revamped plans learning from the inital loss.....Im getting a newer supercar/muscule car within 6-7 months anyway that triples the cost of Vin 1930. I Never Surrender...but Im not going to do anything to hurt my friends or the DMC community in anyway, shape or form.
> This was just a dream and will remain a dream until Im able to fully finnacially back the idea new car will do what I was considering doing with the DMC...Speed and Power, backed with luxury...but my new car is horrible for long trips (car people should know what Im getting) ITs got a V10 and lots of power... and unfortunatley no luxury.
> I just thought everyone would like the Idea, I was wrong....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jim Strickland
> To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 6:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [DMCForum] DMC-12-A
> Uh oh. Avi might have to get in the ring for this one.
> I can very easily see each side of this argument though. There will
> always be dreamers and DOERS. The difference is that the doers DO
> something about their dreams and the dreamers just talk about it. It is
> MUCH harder to DO something time, money, and labor intensive than it is
> to just talk about it.
> The doers can take negative comments and negative 'advice', and get over
> it. For every venture there WILL be a "NO" man. The doers accepts it
> for what it is and move on. Dreamers succumb to the negativity and dream
> on or dream about something else.
> I went off the hook on someone that said they designed a car and they're
> going to build a prototype/etc. I said that it was insulting for someone
> to whimsically say that they could/would just do something that, equally,
> is taking me all of my time and all of my $ to do.
> Likewise, someone that upgrades and restores DMCs may read Avi's post and
> say- "avi and whose army is going to do this?". Hey, if he has the drive
> to get it done, sure. It'll take years and and an easy 6 figures, but
> anything is possible. That's why I say - GOOD LUCK (no sarcasm
> intended).
> The low down and dirty of it is- If you can't handle opposition, you will
> never succeed in realizing your dreams.
> Jim
> On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 21:24:32 -0500 id <ionicdesign@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > How can you even think of doing this type of project when your
> > parents
> > are selling your car to buy a house?
> >
> > Are you bored and just want to type up posts to the forum?
> >
> > Do you plan on robing a bank or something?
> >
> > You sound like a 15 year old with delusions of grandeur, oh wait you
> > are
> > 15 and that explains it now.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> >
> > Avi Sarfaraz wrote:
> >
> > > hmm...maybe I'll just stick to my original idea of slightly
> > upgraded
> > > and slightly restored DMCs.
> > >
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