Erik, do you know how they make Coke or PEPSI ? The always take a often used Delorean. They put the carpets in a bath tub, put some water and detergent in, too, and start washing it. What remains in the tub looks like best, unsugard Coke ! You may not wanna drink that shit, but the carpets look almost like new after you did this once or twice. But beware ! Make sure your wife / girlfriend won't see that shit in her bathroom. Don't ask me why I remind you of that before doing it....;-) Elvis & 6548 with real grey carpets ;-) Is there such a thing? When I took my radio out and looked under the center console, the carpet that was hidden is a very nice grey color. The carpet that has seen 20 years of use looks like crap next to it. I never really noticed it before, but now i can't stop looking at it. Is there a product I can use that will fix this, or am I going to have to buy new carpet. Second question, if I buy new carpet, how much does that cost? I heard there was a company that sells carpet for the delorean. ANy links? cost? reviews? Erik Yahoo! Groups Sponsor < 6215:HM/A=1564416/R=0/SIG=11ti81skc/* 0164797&partid=3170658> < ail/S=:HM/A=1564416/rand=119183432> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: DMCForum-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service <> .
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